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Why Work For Us?

We’re all in when it comes to backing amazing childcare providers like you! We totally get the roller coaster ride that is the childcare world. With all those demands, it can really take a toll on your mind and body. That’s why we’re here, ready to cheer you on and provide all the support you need!


Imagine having more time for self-care—on us. We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs. Enjoy lunch meetups where we cover the bill or let us arrange an Uber to take you to those far-off assignments.


Our aim is to support the whole person, not just the professional. We are committed to transforming the perception of childcare providers and ensuring you receive the recognition and support you deserve. It's time for genuine support and change in the childcare industry.


We totally get it—families are everything, and let’s be real, childcare can be a total energy drainer! You are the superheroes of the parenting world, and without childcare, we’d all be lost in a sea of chaos! Listen up, childcare champs! No matter where you work, we know you’re running on fumes by day’s end, exhausted from all that bending, lifting, and superheroing for the kiddos. We want to swoop in and give you a boost! With awesome incentives to keep your spirits high and stress levels low, you deserve a partner like Childcare Temps who totally gets what you’re going through!


Our approach is straightforward and hassle-free. Give us a chance, and you’ll be happy you did. Looking forward to seeing you soon, superheroes!

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